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 Politics Archive 2020

Nevada Caucus gives Bernie Sanders another win
bby Nathan'ette Burdine: February 22, 2020

It looks like Senator Bernie Sanders is going to get another W in the win column. With less than 30% of the vote in, CNN and the Associated Press are calling the state for the Independent senator who is quickly cementing his place as the Democratic front runner.

Bernie Sanders is leading the way with 46% of the vote to former Vice President Joe Biden’s, who is trailing a distant second, 24%.

Pete Buttigieg is bringing up the other end of the rear with 14%. Elizabeth Warren, who’s having a hard time catching fire, is trying to hold her own with 9%.

As for the rest of them, well, they’re there. Tom Steyer has 4%, Amy Klobuchar has 3%, and Tulsi Gabbard has 0.1%.

It's really not a surprise that Sanders is like a runaway train, running away with the vote in Nevada. All you had to do is check the Emerson College/8 News Now Poll that showed Sanders with a commanding lead of 30% to Pete Buttigieg’s 17% and Joe Biden’s 16%.

The number of voters who said they would vote for Sanders increased by eleven percentage points from November 2019 to February 2020; whereas Biden saw a sharp decline down fourteen percentage points from thirty percent to sixteen percent. Buttigieg had a twelve percentage point increase from five percent to seventeen percent.

Although the Emerson College/8 News Now Poll sshows that folks under the age of 50 are the reason why Sanders is maintaining his commanding lead, the fact that not all of the results are in is why I can’t say the young folks are the reason why the Sanders train keeps going up that blue mountain towards destination Democratic Presidential Nominee.

Having said that, the one thing that is certain is Sanders’ ground game has helped him to rack up two straight wins in a row, and maybe even three if Iowa turns out differently.

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